Surfing the Psychic Waves
Kristi Walsh is the host of Surfing the Psychic Waves, here on Soundcloud. Kristi talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians to share their tales of the surf and to discover new ways to handle these cosmic and ascension waves. So are you paddling out, are you on the beach waxing your board, or are you riding the curl right now? Kristi Walsh is a trance medium healer and clairvoyant psychic whose Surfing the Psychic Waves can lead you into discussions with metaphysical surfers such as Lindy Cowling, Kelly LaSha, James Tyberonn, Michael Tamura, George Kavassilas, Blossom Goodchild, Venus Andrect, Eric Hatton, Sue Farrow, and even some surfers right here from Soundcloud.